John K. Zaid of John K. Zaid & Associates has used a paperless system since the start of his law firm over 17 years ago. In today's video, Micheal J. Swanson interviews Attorney Zaid about his experience with going paperless. Check it out for some helpful tips.
How To Go Paperless At Your Law Firm
Attorneys Bob and Brad Simon of The Simon Law Group in Hermosa Beach, California, share with Author and Educator Michael J. Swanson what to do to go paperless at your law firm and how it can help you get better results for your clients.
The Future in Law Practice Information Management: OnPoint.Legal

Lawyers are busy. Lawyers track lots of documents and information. Lawyers need immediate access to their case information, but it has to be secure - protected. Lawyers want simple. And contrary to popular beliefs, lawyers DO have budgets.
At Symbioshare, we get that. Why? Because we ARE lawyers. But before we were lawyers, we were engineers. As lawyers, we got tired of case management resources that touted solutions, but failed to deliver. Symbioshare’s flagship product, OnPoint.Legal, is the proven result of over 4 ½ years of development and testing. As engineers, we will tell you there is nothing else like this on the market today. As lawyers, we will tell you there really is a case management solution for all those “I wish I could...” moments you’ve had sitting at your computer.
OnPoint.Legal is a matter management software application designed to give attorneys complete flexibility and control in their practice’s case structure, organization and operations. OnPoint.Legal enables you to practice law in the way most beneficial to you.
OnPoint.Legal integrates with Microsoft SharePoint Online allowing increased security, flexibility, reliability, enhanced collaboration and an experience unmatched by any other system on the market. Imagine, a software application that organizes, controls and displays key information in one simple view utilizing tools that you use every day, e.g., Microsoft Outlook, Word, Excel, and Internet Explorer.
At Symbioshare, we are driven to help your practice succeed in a seamless transition to the next generation information management system. OnPoint.Legal’s integration capabilities enable lawyers to keep the information most important to your practice immediately accessible regardless of your geographic location. OnPoint.Legal utilizes the strongest features of each Microsoft Office 365 application to efficiently and effectively empower law firms to manage their practice in a matter and client centric design to collaborate on projects, track deadlines, delegate or assign tasking, and route documents for review, editing, and approval. What sets us apart is that we can help you do all of this without changing the way you want to practice law and save you money along the way. Call and let us help you today!
t: 478.254.9651
Time For A Database

Are you ready to take your case management to the next level?
A case management database is something that is typically thought of as not needed for smaller firms. After all, why would an attorney pay for a software that would only be used by him and a few other staff members? Admittedly, there was once a time when everything could be stored in a single physical location, like a filing cabinet, and no one would think anything of it. That was also a time when “It’s in my filing cabinet at the office,” was a good enough excuse.
We don’t live in that time anymore. The more technology progresses, the more people want to be able to access services and information on the fly. Businesses must adapt, including law firms. Sure, trusting a database can be a scary thing, and I am by no means saying you should throw out your filing cabinet and stop carrying that coffee-stained briefcase. But, I am saying that that the ability to make a adjustments and track changes at a moment’s notice is one of the biggest advantages of living in the present day, and it can greatly improve the service you’re able to provide your clients.
How does one go about picking the correct database for one’s firm? A lot of it, like all choices, typically comes down to what your needs are and what you value most. I recommend you take a look at Haley Odom’s article, “Choosing a Database for your Law Firm.” Ms. Odom is a contract legal technology consultant and writes for Stacey E. Burke’s blog, Business Solutions for Law Firms. In the article, she talks about choosing between a cloud and server based database, volume & complexity, security and more.
Are you currently or have you once tried a case management database system? Tell us about it in an article and we might publish on!
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A Few Tips to Consider Before Upgrading Your Computer

I often times find myself dreading an upgrade to my computer’s hardware. And the thought of having to switch to an all new computer downright irritates me. This is coming from a guy who considers himself relatively “tech-savy.” But, I think that many will agree with me when I say figuring out things like what the best processor is can be an absolute headache.
Recently I began doing research on laptops, unsure of which one to buy. It was during this research that I came across an article that I think might help point you, myself and the majority of the population in the right direction. Jeff Bennion discusses a few things he believes people should know about computer hardware upgrades in his article, “Why Upgrading your Computers Isn’t As Scary As you Thought.” He covers the following common areas:
- Hardware (processors, sound cards, hard drives, etc.)
- Included Equipment (DVD drives, USB ports, VGA ports, etc.)
- Operating System
Jeff ends his article with a section called, “The best Upgrade You Can Buy.” To find out about it, view the full article here. I assure you, it’s worth the read.
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