What Can Excel Do For Your Law Firm?

What Can Excel Do For Your Law Firm?


Well, as it turns out, there is a lot Microsoft Excel can do when it comes to helping you manage your firm. Sure, it’s great for keeping track of numbers, simplifying the use of formulas, etc. Fun stuff, we know.

However, there are more ways you can use Excel. Jeff Bennion, contributor to AboveTheLaw.com, recently covered some the basic ways it can be used.

  • Calendaring Court Dates
  • Analyzing Voluminous Privilege Logs
  • Deeper Analysis With Pivot Tables

Mr. Bennion gives a detailed guide on setting up Excel so that can be used for the three uses listed above. Once you’ve set up a spreadsheet for the three uses (or one, depending on your current needs) managing the aspects of your firm will become less time consuming. And hopefully paperless!

Click the link below to view the full article.

Why Excel Is The Most Underappreciated Program In Your Law Office

Photo Credit: harunatsukobo

A Few Tips to Consider Before Upgrading Your Computer

A Few Tips to Consider Before Upgrading Your Computer


I often times find myself dreading an upgrade to my computer’s hardware. And the thought of having to switch to an all new computer downright irritates me. This is coming from a guy who considers himself relatively “tech-savy.” But, I think that many will agree with me when I say figuring out things like what the best processor is can be an absolute headache.

Recently I began doing research on laptops, unsure of which one to buy. It was during this research that I came across an article that I think might help point you, myself and the majority of the population in the right direction. Jeff Bennion discusses a few things he believes people should know about computer hardware upgrades in his article, “Why Upgrading your Computers Isn’t As Scary As you Thought.” He covers the following common areas:

  • Hardware (processors, sound cards, hard drives, etc.)
  • Included Equipment (DVD drives, USB ports, VGA ports, etc.)
  • Operating System

Jeff ends his article with a section called, “The best Upgrade You Can Buy.” To find out about it, view the full article here. I assure you, it’s worth the read.

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